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Top Reasons People Choose Veneers

September 27th, 2018

Dental veneers are a way to correct and transform your smile by using “contact lens”-thin shells of porcelain or ceramic material and bonding them to the front of your teeth. They are strong and durable, look and feel like natural teeth, and improve your smile immediately. Here are some of the top reasons to consider getting dental veneers.

They Correct Multiple Cosmetic Issues

Dental veneers can help with cosmetic and dental health issues, and treat multiple problems at once. Some common reasons that individuals choose veneers is to close gaps and spaces between the teeth, fix alignment issues, change the overall shape and appearance of a tooth, whiten a smile by covering stained or discolored teeth, and cover chipped or cracked teeth.

If you have teeth that are already worn down and weakened, veneers help prevent further damage by covering them with a thin, tooth-colored shell.


Dental veneers are also extremely durable. They last several years longer than traditional composite fillings. You’ll have peace of mind when you choose veneers, knowing that you’ll have your new smile for many years. On average, dental veneers last about ten to 15 years. Just like your natural teeth, when you take good care of your veneers, they last longer.

Easy to Clean and Maintain

Keeping your veneers healthy and white is easy: You simply brush and floss them the way you do all of your teeth. Shortly after having your veneers installed, you’ll begin to think of them as your natural teeth because the thin shells lie right on top of your existing teeth. This makes it easy to floss and brush the way you normally would and keep them as clean as possible.

The Process is Simple

Getting dental veneers is a quick and easy process. You have a few short visits at Bay Smile Docs and see results. On average, it only takes about four weeks from your first appointment to your last to complete the veneer process.

If you are considering getting dental veneers, schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Clay Gangwisch, Dr. Mike Grandy, Dr. Daniel Melzer, Dr. Andy Holtery, and Dr. John Miller to find out exactly how they can benefit you.

Welcoming Fall with Bay Smile Docs

September 24th, 2018

Fall is one of our favorite seasons. We love to enjoy the cooler weather as we look forward to Halloween and celebrating new beginnings. In the office, some of our favorite activities include trick-or-treating and watching football. This year, Drs. Grandy and Melzer are especially excited to go on an outdoor adventure to Venice, Louisiana to enjoy some tuna fishing. With so much to do, you’re bound to find something fun for the whole family.

If you’re looking for fall reading recommendations, we have a couple books to share from our reading list. Dr. Melzer highly recommends the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel All The Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr. For our parents, we also recommend Loving Our Kids On Purpose by Daniel Silk.

Lastly, don’t forget about our new patient special. For only $99, you’ll get a complete dental cleaning, examination, and any necessary X-rays. If you have any friends or family who are looking for a dentist in the area, now is a great time to get them started. See the photo below for complete details. We hope to see you in our office soon!

What happens during my hygiene appointment?

September 20th, 2018

Regular visits to the dentist are important for people of all ages. Seeing Dr. Clay Gangwisch, Dr. Mike Grandy, Dr. Daniel Melzer, Dr. Andy Holtery, and Dr. John Miller as recommended provides preventive care for oral diseases. If a disease is already present, early detection can prevent hefty dental bills and further damage to the teeth and gums. Once you have made the decision to visit Bay Smile Docs, you may ask yourself, “What happens during my hygiene appointment?”


Arrive at your appointment a few minutes early and bring along any insurance cards or medical information. While it may seem irrelevant, a full medical history can be important, since certain conditions include symptoms that occur inside the mouth.

Initial appointment

In some offices, the first appointment is a screening appointment, during which a dental hygienist will go over your medical and dental history with you, assess the condition of your teeth and gums, then schedule a future appointment to complete the cleaning and any other treatments you may need. In other offices, the screening and cleaning will be done over the same appointment. The dental hygienist may:

  • Count your teeth
  • Clean your teeth by using a small tool to scrape them in order to remove plaque
  • Brush and floss your teeth
  • Apply a fluoride treatment using foam that sits on your teeth within a tooth mold, or a gel that can be “painted” on with a small brush
  • Inspect your teeth for cavities or signs of decay
  • Administer oral X-rays. You will be covered with a special blanket to protect your body and then given a small piece of plastic on which to bite.

Seeing the dentist

After the dental hygienist completes his or her portion of the appointment, the dentist will usually come in and inspect your teeth. After an initial inspection, the dentist may:

  • Perform a quick tooth count as well as a more thorough inspection, looking for signs of decay in and around the teeth
  • Use a small tool called a “probe” in order to check for signs of gum disease around the base of your teeth
  • Visually inspect the skin around your mouth, called the “mucosa”

If you need any further dental work completed, you will usually be required to make an additional appointment. To learn more about hygiene visits, or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Clay Gangwisch, Dr. Mike Grandy, Dr. Daniel Melzer, Dr. Andy Holtery, and Dr. John Miller, please give us a call at our convenient Lynn Haven or Panama City Beach office!

Oral Health Concerns for Infants

September 13th, 2018

Because babies’ teeth don’t appear until around six to eight months of age, it’s a natural misconception that they don’t need dental care. But the steps you take as the parent of an infant can help your baby maintain good oral health and develop healthy dental habits in the future.

It’s easy to take care of a baby’s teeth and gums, especially when oral hygiene for your infant becomes part of the normal daily routine. Learn more about how you can promote good dental health for your baby with these tips and considerations.

Taking Care of Baby’s Oral Hygiene

  • Dental Hygiene for Birth to Six Months. Cleaning your infant’s gums is as important as cleaning teeth will be later. Hold your baby in your arms, and with a clean, moistened washcloth wrapped around your index finger, gently massage his or her gums.
  • Dental Hygiene for Six to 12 Months. After teeth begin to appear, it’s time to switch to a soft, children’s toothbrush for teeth cleaning. New research has shown that fluoride toothpaste is safe and recommended for use once your baby’s first tooth arrives. Gently brush your baby’s teeth after each feeding, in the morning, and before bedtime, just as you did before teeth appeared.
  • Good Bedtime Habits. One of the most important things you can do to protect your infant from tooth decay is to avoid the habit of putting baby to bed with a bottle. Use other soothing bedtime activities, such as rocking and lullabies, to help your baby drift off to sleep.
  • A Note about Dental Decay. Many people are unaware that dental decay is transmissible. Avoid placing your baby’s bottle, sippy cup, or pacifier in your own mouth to test the temperature. Likewise, don’t share utensils with your baby.

Partner With Your Dentist

Your baby should receive his or her first dental health checkup by the age of six months. Even though your infant may not have teeth yet, Dr. Clay Gangwisch, Dr. Mike Grandy, Dr. Daniel Melzer, Dr. Andy Holtery, and Dr. John Miller can assess the risk your baby might face for oral diseases that affect hard or soft tissues. Dr. Clay Gangwisch, Dr. Mike Grandy, Dr. Daniel Melzer, Dr. Andy Holtery, and Dr. John Miller can also provide you with instructions for infant oral hygiene, and explain what steps to add as your baby grows and develops.

Bay Smile Docs is your partner for good oral health, and we’re here to make caring for your baby’s dental hygiene and health easier and more enjoyable for you.